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contoh kalimat close on

"close on" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • He said he wants to close on Edgewater right away.
    Katanya dia akan segera membeli Edgewater.
  • At this very moment, they close on Spartacus!
    Dan saat ini, mereka sedang memburu Spartacus!
  • Mom, the police are gonna get really close on this.
    Ibu, polisi akan semakin mendekati kasus ini.
  • You're cutting it a little close on fuel, John.
    Kau hampir kehabisan bahan bakar, John.
  • You two got close on your way here?
    Kalian saling berkenalan saat perjalanan kemari?
  • Thursday morning, you close on the land acquisition in Gleason.
    Kamis pagi, kau tuntaskan penguasaan tanah di Gleason.
  • Close on the stroke of midnight, on Halloween.
    Menjelang tengah malam, pada hari Halloween.
  • Eight and a half at close on Friday.
    Delapan setengah tutup pada hari Jumat.
  • I am really close on this one.
    Saya benar-benar dekat yang satu ini.
  • I'm really sorry she went all Glenn Close on you.
    Aku minta maaf kalau dia pergi setelah dekat denganmu.
  • We're getting close on this FedCal job.
    kita sudah dekat dengan perampok FedCal.
  • But don't forget, we close on the house next week.
    Tapi jangan lupa, kita menutup di rumah minggu depan.
  • At this very moment, they close on Spartacus!
    Saat ini....mereka sedang memburu Spartacus!
  • Sir, we are so very close on this.
    Pak, kita sudah sangat dekat.
  • I wanna go close on the president.
    Aku mau gambar dekat presiden.
  • Escorts, stay close on my shuttle.
    Para pengiring, tetaplah di dekat pesawatku.
  • We're close, I mean as due to close on time.
    Kami dekat, maksud saya sebagai karena semakin dekat pada waktunya.
  • It's like really close on that side.
    ...sepertinya terlalu mepet disisi itu.
  • We're about to close on the house.
    Kami akan membeli rumah itu.
  • We have to close on that property.
    Kita harus dapatkan properti itu.
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